Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Fun Family
By Kyle

 I would say that my family is a little crazy ,but they do have fun . When I am good Daddy lets me drive the tractor, sometimes we see deer. When I drove the tractor the last time there were five does and one buck.  When we saw the deer we had to turn around because we did not want to hurt them.  One time I snuck up on two does and they ran away. I was wearing orange.  I love deer meat because it is good to eat.


Third and fourth graders are doing Type to Learn. It is when you learn how to type without looking at the keys. Third graders have all gotten to lesson 5. Mr.Davis has been doing tests with third and fourth graders.The fourth graders are finished with Type to Learn and they are doing super!!!

by Alexon 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wetland Dioramas

Fun end of the year project, plus students loved sharing with their younger friends.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Caddis Fly Larva??

On April 29 we visited Kingdom Woods Conservation Area with Adam Bishop from Blue Hill Heritage Trust. One of our discoveries was this "stick creature", which we now believe is a caddis fly larva. It's amazing the amount of curiosity and excitement generated by our "stick creature". Students will never view vernal pools in quite the same way. It is not our usual practice to remove discoveries from their natural setting.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Guest From China

Students asked many questions and loved learning how to make Chinese characters.

Celebrating Dr. King's Birthday

PreK / K invited us to join them as they celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.  Third and fourth graders eagerly shared information and books they had read about Dr. King with their friends.